According to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the Meta Quest 3 surpasses Apple’s Vision Pro in performance and price. Zuckerberg highlighted that the Quest 3 delivers superior performance, is lighter in weight, and comes more affordable than Apple’s VR headset. According to his Instagram, he shared a video comparing the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3. In the video, Zuckerberg said the Quest 3 is cheaper and better than its competitor.

Quest 3 and Vision Pro Comparison Overview

Zuckerberg asserts that the Meta device functions as an open-model AR headset, and the Vision Pro is a closed-model device. Also, both devices compare with Macs and PCs.

Zuckerberg emphasizes the compromises Apple made to incorporate a high-end display into a wearable device. From that point of view, the Quest 3 is 120 grams lighter. He mentioned that the Quest 3’s wireless design, wider view, and support for hand controllers are better than the Apple Vision Pro device. 

Additionally, Zuckerberg underscored Quest’s extensive library of immersive content, especially for social VR experiences. However, he acknowledges Vision Pro’s superior entertainment capabilities. He highlighted the significant price gap, noting that the Quest 3 is only a fraction of the Vision Pro’s $3,499 price. Zuckerberg mentioned that the meta device is “seven times less expensive” than the Apple Vision Pro.

I don’t just think Quest is the better value, I think Quest is the better product, period.”

The Meta device utilizes its built-in cameras to track arm, shoulder, and torso movements. In various types of games, these movements translate directly into virtual reality, allowing for more natural interactions and movements. As well as, Zuckerberg stated that Xbox games can be played, and YouTube videos can be viewed on a large screen using the Quest. However, the validity of Zuckerberg’s assertions and consumer reactions are yet to unfold.

As well as, Vision Pro doesn’t offer an official YouTube app. However, Christian Selig created a YouTube app, Juno, which technically allows YouTube viewing on Apple devices.

Apple is just entering the market with the Vision Pro, whereas Meta already boasts a robust library with partners like Roblox. Meta has also introduced multiple headsets and lowered prices on older models. Being a newcomer to the mixed reality/virtual reality market, Apple is seen as a late entrant, and Meta aims to maintain its position without yielding ground to its competitors.

Meta and Apple lead in AR/VR. This direct comparison sparks competition between Meta and Apple and drives better user tech. 

However, what Zuckerberg doesn’t say in his video is that Apple has obvious hardware and developer ecosystem advantages, the latter of which takes time to rev up with a new product category like this. Meta may be breathing a sigh of relief right now. But this is a game of endurance, and the headset wars are just beginning.

Quest 3 Future Developments

He also shows interest in eye tracking for specific scenarios and suggests that future Meta headsets will include it after debuting in the Quest Pro.

Where to buy Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro?

You can easily find Meta Quest 3 for around $600 on platforms like Amazon. In contrast, you must import the Vision Pro, which is currently limited to the US market and costs about $3,499.


Mark Zuckerberg claims that Meta Quest 3 outshines the Apple Vision Pro in performance, weight, and price. The Quest 3 offers superior features like wireless design and wider view, alongside a more affordable price tag. While acknowledging Apple’s strengths, Meta’s robust VR library and competitive pricing position it as a strong contender in the AR/VR market. Future developments hint at even more exciting features.


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