Scientists have found the first lunar cave that could shelter astronauts on the Moon. This cave might be helpful for future Moon missions and could lead to the Moon’s evolution. So, let’s read the article to the end to learn more about that lunar cave.

Background Information

Scientists have long believed that there are caves on the Moon. So, for many years, researchers experimented on the Moon. Finally, they found a lunar cave that could shelter future explorers.

Lunar caves have remained a mystery for a long time. Scientists hypothesized their existence since more than 50 years. So it was surprising to be able to finally prove the existence of a subsurface conduit,”  said study co author Leonardo Carrer, an assistant professor at the University of Trento in Italy.

The Discovery

To locate the cave, scientists examined old radar data of a pit in a large area called Mare Tranquillitatis, or the Sea of Tranquility,  about 250 miles (400 kilometres) from where Apollo 11 landed 55 years ago. 

Having additional evidence of a cave extending from the floor of Mare Tranquillitatis Pit is really exciting,” said Tyler Horvath, a doctoral student in planetary science at the University of California, Los Angeles, who led the 2022 study, in an email.

Also, in 2010, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter used radar data to look beneath the Moon’s surface. The data revealed an underground space of 130 to 170 meters (426 to 558 feet). But, the newly discovered cave is at least 45 meters (148 feet) wide and between 30 and 80 meters (98 to 262 feet) long. It might be the start of a longer lava tube, and researchers believe there are more caves like that on the Moon.

Significance of the Discovery

The Moon is exposed to solar radiation 150 times stronger than Earth. NASA says the lunar surface can heat up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit (121 degrees Celsius) during the day and cool down to as low as minus 208 degrees Fahrenheit (-133 degrees Celsius) at night. However, caves like the recently discovered one have stable temperatures of about 63°F (17°C). These caves could protect human explorers from radiation and micrometeorites, making them good places for future lunar bases or emergency shelters.

Lunar caves could provide massive benefits for astronauts and rovers as they can seek shelter from the hazards on the lunar surface such as radiation, micrometeorites, and temperature extremes, which could also open the door for long term, large-scale human presence on the Moon,” Horvath said. 

Also, this is especially true as countries like the United States and China are working to set up long-term bases on the Moon. These caves were formed by volcanic activity and are linked to the pits covering the Moon’s surface. Moreover, the study’s authors also note that exploring lunar caves could offer new insights into the Moon’s evolution and volcanic activity.

The caves are a unique environment that preserves the history of the Moon,” said Lorenzo Bruzzone, a telecommunications professor and head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory at the University of Trento, in an email. 

The analysis of rocks inside these caves could enable new (discoveries) related to lunar evolution. such as the timeline and duration of lunar volcanic activity as well as the actual composition of the lunar mantle. Moreover, (lunar caves) can be an alternative or an integration to a base on the surface of the Moon,”  he added.

Future Implications

Due to the cave’s depth, getting astronauts to the pit floor and mapping the caves, especially understanding their structural stability, might require creative solutions. Also, systems to monitor movement or seismic activity in caves are needed to ensure astronauts’ safety. 

Explore the bottomless Mare Tranquillitatis pit and the newly discovered cave, European Space Agency are using a robotic crane. Thereby will lower an astronaut or rover to the floor to understand the cave structure. However, still, researchers are experimenting with how to further in-depth research for newly discovered caves, and we hope they will succeed.


In conclusion, discovering the first lunar cave offers a promising shelter for future Moon explorers. This cave can protect astronauts from harsh conditions and support long-term lunar missions. Further research will help understand the cave’s stability and potential for habitation.

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